A Retrospective Look at Health Reform

Alan Schlobohm
Senior Program Administrator
Kaiser Family Foundation

Alan Schlobohm is the Senior Program Administrator with the Kaiser Family Foundation. The link below will take you to a step-by-step tutorial of how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also known as the Health Reform Law enacted on March 23, 2010 progressed through the legislative process. This tutorial focuses on the early role of the presidential agenda as well as the key people involved in passing the health reform law. …

An Overview of Health Reform

Jennifer Tolbert
Associate Director, KCMU

Jennifer Tolbert is an Associate Director with the Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured at the Kaiser Family Foundation. The link below will take you to an overview presentation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act also known as the Health Reform Law enacted on March 23, 2010. This overview focuses on key areas of the law including, health insurance coverage, delivery system improvements and the cost containment efforts currently in place within the …

Basic Information about Mold in Homes

Mold has received a lot of attention of late due to high profile lawsuits and television news broadcasts that have highlighted the potential hazards and liabilities associated with indoor mold.

What is mold?

Mold on an interior wall.

Molds, along with mildews, yeasts, and mushrooms, all belong to the kingdom Fungi. Fungi are unicellular or multicellular organisms that primarily use absorption as a means to obtain energy from their environment, unlike green plants, which use chlorophyll to obtain energy from …